ADF Transition Financial Advice

Transitioning from ADF service comes with several unique financial challenges and hurdles. That’s why the ADF Transition Program will provide limited funding towards receiving financial advice for ADF members who are about to or have transitioned within the past 24 months.

With years of experience assisting veterans with their finances, Apex is proud to provide financial planning services specific to supporting ADF members as they go through this stressful time. Superannuation, debt management, personal insurance, estate planning and budgeting are just some of the many topics that veterans can expect to be educated on during our meetings. No matter where in Australia they are serving, this knowledge enables veterans to move into the next phase of their life, confident that they are making the best financial decisions for them and their family.

How can we help with your ADF Transition Financial Advice

Contact us for a quote that you can forward through to your Transition Coach along with your AC853-3 Defence Force Transition Program Application.

APEX Financial Services Group's Defence Service Advisers

Robert O’Reilly

Director – APEX Financial Services Group
Ph: (07) 3180 8831

Nicholas Shaw

Defence Services Adviser
Ph: (07) 3180 8831